ChemPoint Features

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Environmental Data Management System

ChemPoint Environmental Data Management System Features

For all these features plus many more, check out ChemPoint Professional!

Browse the help system to learn more.

ChemPoint Standard Features Integrated Import/Export
Integrated into a single application -- Import GRITS, Sanitas, MS Access, dBase, tab-delimited text, ChemPoint 3.0, DUMPStat.  Export to ChemStat, GRITS, tab-delimited text, XYZ for contouring, ChemPoint 3.0, and New Jersey SRP format.
Extensive Database
ChemPoint tracks facility information, sampling locations, sampling dates, monitoring well construction, sample containers, and laboratory analysis results, along with all the related information. There is support for multiple sample containers for a location, duplicate analysis, split samples, and replicate measurements.
Powerful Reporting

ChemPoint reports data in nine general formats, with many additional reporting options available. Reports are written to a tab-delimited ASCII text file for importing into spreadsheet applications. Tab delimited reporting allows you to control the format, while providing reporting options not available in any off-the-shelf” reporting module. Report non-detects as ND <?

Create Well Construction Diagrams
ChemPoint allows you to create highly customizable well construction diagrams. Diagrams are automatically modified to represent specifications in the ChemPoint database. Create diagrams for monitoring wells, simple piezometers, screened pumping wells, or open hole pumping wells. Automatically Display pad, screen, guard pipe, or flush mount depending on your data. Display your diagram by multiple zoom factors or full page mode. Customize diagram appearance by well styles, colors, patterns, and multiple fonts and borders. Save your customizations to a template file or use one of the pre-defined templates for a professional appearance. Include your corporate logo on each diagram.

Additional Features

  • Sufficient data fields for all common environmental monitoring needs
  • Track sampling dates, sampling locations, containers, analysis results
  • Easy data entry from user-defined lists
  • User-friendly interface with complete context-sensitive on-line help
  • Export data in a format compatible with most commercial statistical analysis applications